Hard reinsurance market not going away – AM Best

2024-07-04 by easybima


 The Reinsurance Industry's Hard Market: A Simple Explanation

The reinsurance industry, which provides insurance for insurance companies, is going through a challenging period known as a "hard market." This means that reinsurers are seeing higher profits and better risk-adjusted returns than they have since 1993, according to a report by AM Best, a credit rating agency.

 What is a Hard Market?

A hard market in reinsurance happens when prices for reinsurance coverage increase significantly. This shift often follows substantial losses and a reduction in the surplus money that reinsurers have. When these losses occur, they trigger a cycle where prices go up, attracting new investors who want to take advantage of the favorable conditions. This, in turn, leads to the creation of new reinsurance companies.

 Historical Context of Hard Markets

Throughout history, several major events have triggered shifts from soft to hard markets. Some notable examples include:

- The Great Fire of Glarus in 1861
- Hurricanes Hugo in 1989, Andrew in 1992, and Ike in 2008
- The September 11 attacks
- The 2005 hurricane trio: Katrina, Rita, and Wilma

These events caused significant losses, leading to tougher market conditions and the emergence of new reinsurers who eventually became leaders in the market.

 The Current Hard Market

The hard market that started around 2017 is different from past ones. Instead of being caused by a single major event, it has been driven by a series of smaller but frequent property catastrophes. This includes natural disasters like hurricanes and other weather-related events. These ongoing losses have pushed up the prices of reinsurance and led to stricter contract terms.

 Factors Contributing to the Current Hard Market

1. Increased Catastrophe Activity: Since 2017, there has been a rise in property damage due to natural disasters, causing reinsurers to pay out more claims.
2. Secondary Perils: Smaller, more frequent events like wildfires and floods have also contributed to higher losses.
3. Interest Rates and Capital Market Volatility: In 2022, rising interest rates caused significant fluctuations in the capital markets, leading to temporary capital losses for reinsurers.

These factors have created a chaotic reinsurance market where the prices and terms of contracts are tough. The gap between what reinsurers expect to earn and what buyers are willing to pay remains wide, indicating that the hard market conditions will likely continue until at least 2025.

 Why No New Reinsurers?

Interestingly, despite the hard market conditions, there hasn't been a notable emergence of new reinsurers. In the past, similar conditions would have led to the formation of new companies. For example, after the 2005 hurricanes, many new reinsurers were created to take advantage of the high prices.

However, since the current hard market began, many high-profile management teams have announced plans to start new reinsurance companies, and others have been rumored to be seeking funding. Despite these announcements, none have progressed beyond the planning and fundraising stages.

 The Future Outlook

AM Best suggests that the current hard market will last for several more years. This prolonged period of tough conditions means that reinsurance prices and contract terms will remain strict. The industry will continue to face challenges from increased natural disasters and changing financial conditions, making it difficult for new reinsurers to enter the market.

 Key Takeaways

- The reinsurance industry is experiencing a hard market, leading to higher profits and better returns for reinsurers.
- Historically, major events have triggered shifts to hard markets, but the current one is due to a series of smaller but frequent property catastrophes.
- Rising interest rates and increased natural disasters have contributed to the tough market conditions.
- Despite the hard market, no new reinsurers have been successfully formed to capitalize on the situation.
- The current hard market is expected to continue for several years, with pricing and conditions remaining stringent.


In summary, the reinsurance industry is navigating a challenging period with high prices and strict contract terms. This hard market, driven by a series of natural disasters and financial volatility, is expected to persist for several more years. While historically such conditions would have led to the creation of new reinsurers, the current market has not seen this development, indicating a unique and prolonged phase for the industry.

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